Tylenol kills much more than pain

A new study suggests the popular painkiller Tylenol does more than reduce pain — it can actually reduce your ability to imagine other people’s pain. Researchers at Ohio State University conducted three experiments on college students to test whether acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol and many other prescription and over-the-counter painkillers, affects users’ abilities to empathize with others who are experiencing physical or emotional pain…

In the first two studies, researchers say the college students who had consumed acetaminophen perceived significantly less suffering in others. Dominik Mischkowski, co-author of the study…believes the findings are important in understanding how popular painkillers reduce feelings of empathy…

A third experiment introduced a social gaming component to the study…Again, the group that had consumed acetaminophen rated the pain lower than the control group…

The experiment follows a series of findings about the psychological effects of Tylenol, which researchers now believe influences everything from social empathy and error detection to moral judgments.

Tylenol is considered the most deadly over-the-counter painkiller on the market. Around 78,000 Americans visit hospital emergency rooms annually to be treated for acetaminophen overdose.

Poisonally, I wouldn’t touch it with someone else’s 10-foot pole.

One thought on “Tylenol kills much more than pain

  1. Affect Heuristic says:

    “The Most Common Pain Relief Drug in The World Induces Risky Behavior, Study Finds” https://www.sciencealert.com/the-most-common-pain-relief-drug-in-the-world-induces-risky-behavior-study-finds
    “…The findings add to a recent body of research suggesting that acetaminophen’s effects on pain reduction also extend to various psychological processes, lowering people’s receptivity to hurt feelings, experiencing reduced empathy, and even blunting cognitive functions.”
    Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (July 2020): “Effects of acetaminophen on risk taking” https://academic.oup.com/scan/article/15/7/725/5897711

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