Texas libertarians say Ron Paul defrauded them of $20K

Catch me if you can!
Daylife/Reuters Pictures used by permission

A libertarian organization that paid for plane tickets and other expenses for Rep. Ron Paul says after an audit that the Texas Republican defrauded the group for about $20,000. The group is pushing Paul for repayment and exploring legal remedies.

The Liberty Committee, a nonprofit headed by former Paul aide David James, said in an April 16 letter that about two-thirds of the 63 airline tickets the group reimbursed Paul for were also paid for by taxpayers.

“In short, this practice of double or duplicate billing enriched you while draining funds intended for legitimate projects,” the letter read.

Paul spokesman Jesse Benton said James, who worked for Paul for 18 years and says he still supports the lawmaker’s political message, is “pursuing a personal grudge” against the Texas Republican. Benton said Paul will be “happy” to review the allegations…

As reported by Roll Call in February, Paul was paid twice on several occasions for flights between Washington, D.C., and his Congressional district, receiving reimbursement from taxpayers and also from a network of political and nonprofit organizations he controlled, according to public records and Paul’s credit card statements.

Handwritten notations on credit card statements indicate Paul billed the Liberty Committee, his campaign, his political action committee and another nonprofit, the Foundation for Rational Economics and Education, for plane tickets and other expenses for which he also billed taxpayers.

In all, Roll Call found 26 flights from 1998 to 2005 for which several layers of documentation show double payments.

But the Liberty Committee audit revealed a new set of flights that it said were reimbursed twice, bringing the total number of such instances to 52.

I guess one of the qualities that differentiates the Libertarian Right from the Libertarian Left is that you’re allowed to steal. Or is it just Texas Republican ethics?