Kansas Republicans so happy about their War on Women they decided to add a War on Children

lying creep

Many states mandate that schools must be funded at constitutionally required levels, but like many Republicans, Kansas GOP leaders disregarded the Kansas Constitution and deliberately underfunded the state’s public schools to both provide tax cuts for the wealthy and keep their population ignorant. Fortunately for Kansas residents and students, the Kansas Supreme Court ruled unanimously on Friday that the state must increase funding for public K-12 schools. The Court’s ruling gutting Brownback’s education plan was a victory for parents, school districts, and students who sued Brownback who has spent the past four years significantly cutting per student funding while cutting taxes for the rich and corporations…

Brownback and his group padded education costs by illegally including teacher retirement benefits and pensions as part of the “per student” spending and made them “part of the whole” of state education costs. In the state budget, pension funds and school finance formula are separate line items, but Brownback decided they were one in the same to give credence to his claim that Kansas spends more on education now than it did in 2000…The Court’s ruling disabused Brownback of the argument he and Republicans were above reproach and immune from a judicial review of an unconstitutional practice.

…For example, electricity and insurance costs are significantly higher today than in 2000, and diesel fuel to bus students to and from school today is approximately $3.44 per gallon when in 2000 is was only $1.03 that all impacted school districts’ operational expenses. Adding in the state’s responsibility to fund pensions as per child spending “is absurd” according to a lawyer for the plaintiffs who said it was ridiculous to think school districts are responsible for keeping the state pension system solvent. He also said that tax cuts Brownback enacted in 2012 drastically reduced how much money the state had remaining to spend on constitutionally required education spending. He reiterated that “The state pension plan and the schools are both state responsibilities and both are underfunded” because Republicans squandered education money on tax cuts…

Sam Brownback may be the first Republican governor to cut school spending by requiring school districts to include the state’s responsibility to fund pensions in their budgets, but he is one of many, many Republican governors cutting education spending to fund tax cuts for the rich and corporations. Other Republican governors are shifting taxpayer money for public education to fund private Christian schools that is another ploy to keep their populations ignorant by teaching the bible as science…

I hope enough parents realize that failure to use tax dollars to provide a real education to their children cuts the likelihood of their kids growing up capable of getting a decent job.

It’s obvious to many which side thugs like Brownback are on when it comes to choosing who to aid, working families or wealthy political donors. If throw the bums out ever meant anything, Kansas voters, American voters, need to stand up and throw creeps out of office who are committed to limiting the future of American states, American workers, the whole nation.

2 thoughts on “Kansas Republicans so happy about their War on Women they decided to add a War on Children

  1. Jayhawker says:

    Former general counsel for Americans for Prosperity, a conservative think tank founded and partly funded by billionaires David and Charles Koch, named to Kansas Supreme Court Bench. http://www.kansascity.com/news/government-politics/article1324327.html “Kansas appeals court Judge Caleb Stegall, a staunch abortion opponent critical of a landmark school-funding case, was named to the state’s high court on Friday by Gov. Sam Brownback. …Brownback culminated Stegall’s meteoric rise through the judicial ranks less than a year after nominating his former legal counsel to a seat on the Kansas Court of Appeals.” See also http://www.kansas.com/news/politics-government/article1323768.html “Before becoming the governor’s chief counsel, Stegall worked under former Attorney General Phill Kline and as counsel for the influential conservative group Americans for Prosperity, which was founded by the Koch family.” AFP’s state director, Jeff Glendening, thanked Brownback for appointing Stegall in a statement. “Caleb has a brilliant legal mind which is grounded in reality and Constitutional principles,” Glendening said.
    Stegall also served as editor of The New Pantagruel, an online Christian magazine, which published an editorial (that Stegall wrote) stating that forcible resistance to the removal of Terri Schiavo from life support in 2005 would be justified.

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